Sunday, December 11, 2011

December Madness!

Hi ho folks! I've been looking through my mobile uploads (because I have over a hundred saved) and realized what an amazing year its been so far! When sometimes I'm having a bad day, I love to go through these photos and just remember what a great year its really been. And for that I am so grateful! :)

This year I've decided to conquer the Kransekake Cookie Tower! Seemed simple enough, but I totally underestimated how hard it was to make. Long story short, sugar cookies expand in my oven. I even tried putting them in the refrigerator right before baking (a tip I heard in the online blogger world), but they still ballooned up. Go figure. On the plus side I get to make about ten more towers. One down! I will let you know in my next post if I have succeeded. Let's hope!

Today, I also was psyched to be making more cupcakes for yet another order! It was for a baby shower, for my former CSULA Boss. Oh how I miss those peeps! Anyway, she's having a girl which means tons of super cute girly clothes and a dash of pink in those cupcakes! I really couldn't resist adding pink fondant hearts in the center of the cupcakes (PSL=Pumpkin Spice Latte flavored!).

When I arrived the cupcakes were ready to be dressed up with pink cupcake holders and a cute bird to go in the center. The result? Adorably delicious!

Last but not least, I also made some Mint Chocolate (Chip) Cupcakes. I actually had to experiment with a few recipes but finally I found one that required no eggs or butter. Intrigued? It's true, no eggs, no butter and no MILK. I was psyched, because whenever I do buy milk to put in my cake, I really don't know what to do with the rest of it because I'm lactose-intolerant. Flargh! Anywho, I stumbled upon this Chocolate Cupcake Recipe online, the recipe is here. Really, easy! For the frosting it is a simple buttercream with a hint of peppermint extract (you can also tint the frosting green if you so desire). For the recipe click here! I also topped it with Ghirardelli Chocolate with mint filling on the inside, some green sprinkles, and a sprig of mint! Oh yes, and green fondant letters :)

As always, thanks for reading! Hope everyone is enjoying this month!

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