Monday, March 5, 2012

Candy Cake!

I'm calling it early, March is going to be a fantastic month!

Nothing is better than creating a cake that is a success (since last week, my other cake project was a complete disaster. OK well for me it was. Any little mistake tips me off. If I'm not pleased with the way it turns out I secretly want to destroy it with a baseball bat in an alley and start over. When I tell my mom that she tells me that I shouldn't waste cake or "insert other dessert term here" because you shouldn't just waste food. I know, I know I shouldn't waste food...its a hard habit to break but I'm trying :)

Also, I should mention that finishing a cake successfully AND watching the Lakers play (and beating the #1 seed Beat the Heat!) completes an awesome day in my book!

My source and inspiration for this "Candy Cake" came from, which is an extremely addicting website where you can make individual boards and pin awesome pictures of your favorite things from arts and crafts to scrumptious dessert recipes! Love, love, love.

So back to the Candy Cake, here is what you will need to make it:

-A frosted layer cake (can be square, round, oval etc.)
-Kit-Kat bars (the number depends on how large your cake is. I ended up using 3 large bars for a 6 inch cake)
- M&M's or any chocolate similar in size (again, the number of m&m's depend on how large your cake is).
-Ribbon, one that is long enough to wrap around the cake.
-Any other decorations you use to decorate your cake with (sprinkles, melted candy melts etc.)

I love that this cake is super simple AND that it hides any mishaps you have with the cake. Amateurs welcome!


Once you have successfully frosted the cake, start breaking your kit kat bars into increments of 2 wafer bars. Use the frosting as an adhesive and attach the kit kats on the edges of your cake. Sprinkle the M&M's to outline the cake. Then take a ribbon and wrap it around the cake sealed with a pretty bow! I've also seen this done as a wedding cake, so it works well if you plan to make tiers. Enjoy!

Awesome, no?

Well I should also mention that this post is dedicated to my cousin Kelly! Happy Birthday, here's to another amazing year! Love you! :)

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy and festive! Yay Tiffy! Happy Birthday Kelly! Please send a slice to San Francisco.
